Eleventh Doctor: The Girl Who Waited

girl who waited

Writer: Tom McRae

Director: Nick Hurran

Producer: Marcus Wilson

Series: 6, ep 10

Companions: Amy Pond (Karen Gillan), Rory Williams (Arthur Darvill)

Summary: The Doctor and friends travel to a planet quarantined by plague. When they arrive, they arrive not only in different rooms in a facility, but in different timelines, with Amy’s running faster than the Doctor’s and Rory’s. However, the Doctor and Rory remain the same age while Amy ages faster.

Review: I love this episode. This episode builds tension between Amy and Rory. One scene that will always get me is the part where Rory finds Amy older and battle-hardened from the years she’s spent fighting the robots. She’s upset that he wasn’t there to save him. He’s upset because of the years they’ve lost together. I also like the conflict it puts on their relationship with the Doctor because he can’t solve the problem as easily as they’d like and the separate timelines mean he can’t use the TARDIS for a quick fix. This is a great twist on the bottle episode that Doctor Who has always had as a staple.

Overall Review: 10/10

Continuity: In “The Hungry Earth”, Amy and Rory saw a distant version of themselves. We see a replica of the Mona Lisa, which was seen in “City of Death”. Amy puts on glasses that are similar to the Doctors. She would later require glasses in “The Power of Three”.  Rory chastises the Doctor for not wanting to mess with fixed points in time and not wanting to consult books. Is this possibly foreshadowing the book that foretells their fates in “The Angels Take Manhattan”? The Doctor was forced to let Anne Chaplet die in order to allow her descendant Dodo, a future companion, to be born, which caused conflict between him and Steven Taylor in “The Massacre on St. Bartholemew’s Eve” (which is missing, btw).


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