
frostfireWriter: Marc Platt

Director/Producer: Mark J. Thompson

Companion/Narrator: Vicki (Maureen O’Brien)

Series/Number: 1.1

Running Time: 1 hour

Summary: Vicki has become the Lady Cressida, and is now living in ancient Troy with the prince Trolius, continuing from the missing episode, “The Mythmakers”. She recollects when she, the Doctor, and Steven went to the Frost Fair in 1814. An egg has been discovered and a dragon has hatched from it, and is named The Cinder. Jane Austen may become its first victim!

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Overview: The Sylvester McCoy Era (1987-1989)

seventh doctor

seventh doctor logo

Colin Baker had had enough.  He’d been fired from Doctor Who, and didn’t even bother to come back for his regeneration.  John Nathan-Turner was still producer, but it seemed the only reason he still held the job was that no one else wanted it.  Eric Saward, his long-running script editor, had left his position, citing tensions as a result of the epic “Trial of a Time Lord”. Nathan-Turner was given one last chance to save Doctor Who. He hired Sylvester McCoy as the new Seventh Doctor. The final era had begun.

About Sylvester McCoy

McCoy’s real name is Percy James Kent-Smith and was born on August 20, 1943. He earned his pseudonym when he created a character named Sylveste McCoy while part of the Ken Campbell Roadshow comedy troupe. An r was added to his first name due to a superstition about a name that had 13 letters. He had numerous roles in British television and even starred alongside Laurence Olivier in the 1979 Dracula. He has also sung in the Welsh National Opera.

Crush the lesser races! Conquer the galaxy! UNIMAGINABLE POWER! UNLIMITED RICE PUDDING! ET CETERA, ET CETERA!”–“Remembrance of the Daleks”

In a Nutshell

  • Andrew Cartmel became the new and final script editor for the Classic Era. He had an anarchist attitude that was reflected in many episodes during this era.
  • The Rani, Daleks, Cybermen, and Anthony Ainley’s version of the Master all made their final appearances in the Classic period during McCoy’s era. Of the four villains mentioned, only the Rani has not appeared in the revival, although she has appeared in Big Finish albeit with a different actress.

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Second: The Mind Robber

mind robber

Writer: Peter Ling

Director: David Maloney

Producer: Peter Bryant

Companions: Jamie McCrimmon (Frazer Hines), Zoe Heriot (Wendy Padbury

Season: 6, episode 2 (5 parts)

Summary: The Doctor, Jamie, and Zoe, find themselves in the Land of Fiction, a realm in which fictional characters can come to life. Its ruler, the Master threatens to add them to his collection of fictional characters, stripping them of their sanity and their will.

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Overview: The Colin Baker Era (1984-1986)

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When Patrick Troughton met Peter Davison while filming “The Five Doctors”, he advised Davison not to be the Doctor for longer than three seasons. He took the advice and stepped down. He was replaced by Colin Baker, who had actually appeared in “The Arc of Infinity”. He was ecstatic, as he was a childhood fan of the show But he was unaware of how things would get.

About Colin Baker

Colin was born on June 8, 1943 in Waterloo, England. At 23, he enrolled at the London Academy of Music and Dramatic Art. He appeared as Bayban the Butcher in Blake’s Seven. He has also appeared on Top Gear and I’m a Celebrity, Get Me Out of Here!

“In all my travelling throughout the universe, I have battled against evil, against power-mad conspirators. I should have stayed here. The oldest civilisation: decadent, degenerate, and rotten to the core. Power-mad conspirators, Daleks, Sontarans, Cybermen – they’re still in the nursery compared to us. Ten million years of absolute power. That’s what it takes to be really corrupt.”–“The Ultimate Foe”

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Overview: The Peter Davison Era (1981-1984)

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John Nathan-Turner became the final producer of Classic Doctor Who, having been part of the show since the 60’s. Tom Baker had stepped down as Fourth Doctor, and Nathan-Turner was poised to modernize Doctor Who with a new logo and new opening, and a new Doctor, Peter Davison.

About Peter Davison

Peter Davison’s real name is Peter Moffatt. He started out as a stage manager at the Nottingham Playhouse. He chose his stage name so he would not be confused with the director of the same name, who he later worked with at one point. Prior to his work on Doctor Who, his most famous role was as Tristan on the TV series All Creatures Great and Small. He was the youngest actor to play the Doctor before Matt Smith.

Peter Davison’s daughter Georgia appeared in “The Doctor’s Daughter” and later married David Tennant, the Tenth Doctor.

“The trouble with time travel is one never seems to find the time”–“The Caves of Androzani”

In a Nutshell

  • Catch Phrases: “Sorry, must dash!” and “Brave heart, Tegan.”
  • The Tom Baker era was the final era to have 6-part episodes. The Peter Davison era had mostly 4-part episodes, with some 2-parters as well.
  • The sonic screwdriver was destroyed in “The Visitation”. It would not be restored until the Doctor Who TV movie with Paul McGann as the Eighth Doctor.

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