Iris Wildthyme: The Two Irises

Writer: Simon Guerrier

Director: Gary Russell

Series: 2.3

Summary: The year is 2018, and the world is in the brink of nuclear war. Wildthyme is at a disco. But this isn’t Iris! Something is wrong here.

Review: Wow, it’s been a pretty long time since I last listened to an Iris Wildthyme story. It’s not that I don’t like her, it’s more like I’m focusing on other things from Big Finish.

As this story goes, it’s pretty fun. Iris is more someone who accidentally finds trouble, she’s not actively looking for it. But this story isn’t typical. Usually, the stakes aren’t “nuclear war” level. It’s usually more ridiculous.

But there’s some of that as well. There’s a pretty good twist near the end I liked. I actually had a pretty good laugh.

Iris Wildthyme isn’t as serious as Doctor Who. But I was still entertaining.

Grade: B+

Note: I downloaded this from Hoopla. Big Finish has removed many of their stories from Spotify, but I doubt it has anything to do with the recent Joe Rogan debacle.

Iris Wildthyme: The Land of Wonder

land of wonderWriter: Paul Magrs

Director: Gary Russell

Running Time: 1 hour, 7 minutes

Series: 2.2

Summary: Iris is now exiled on earth, working for the Ministry for Alien Incursions and Other Wonders (MIAOW). She is helping Professor Ramsbottom and his assistant Audrey unearth a vehicle under a London railway station. They eventually find themselves in Lewis Carroll’s Wonderland, in the midst of an alien invasion.

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Iris Wildthyme: The Sound of Fear

sound of fearWriter: Mark Michalowski

Director: Gary Russell

Running Time: 1 hr, 20 minutes

Summary: Iris is bummed that Tom left at the end of season 1’s finale. To cheer herself up, she uses her TARDIS’s radio to listen to a program called Radio Yesterday. She decides to convince them to let her be part of the show. She takes the TARDIS to the radio station and discovers that Sam Gold, the DJ of the station, remembers that she was his wife. Panda snoops around and discovers that an alien race called the Naxians are using the show to brainwash its listeners.

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